Monday, July 20, 2015


Yesterday was fun and the cannoning worked out well, it was fun but a little tiring. We also had brownies last night! Today was okay I would thing, there was a couple times where I got lost but they were talking about their tribe, how some of their fishing tradition's got lost but they are slowly coming back. That made me think of our school because there is only one teacher trying to keep our traditions in our school, she teaches us the language, like how to say the colors, numbers, animals and just to speak in our language also the foods, and a few stories on how we got them. But besides that we went to the midnight mind and learned about how they were going to take all that water out of there and cover it with gravel and that could take up to 10 years to fill it all up. Yesterday we also got to native artist named gorge hill and we did some drawings, I got to see some of his work last year and he has some good art work. We played a couple games to kind of wake us up after the power point, the games where like the games we played at our school during a pep assembly. I did get to try to make some new friends and it was an okay attempt. Today was good though 😖

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